Wednesday, September 21, 2011


The baby items are starting to roll in.... and thank goodness we have 9 months (although that time is going quickly) to decide on and purchase it all! Good gravy this stuff can add up! It's hard enough to decide on what we want to register for and what theme to go with, then we have to actually buy the big items that are definitely not cheap and I always find the expensive one the prettiest... and now we have to find room in our tiny house to hold it all.

But thankfully I have patience, Ryan (most of the time) believes in my judgement, or rather I just purchase it and bring it home... and we have very loving family members to help :)

This week I purchased our first "big" item and by "big" I mean it hurts the wallet until we can remember it's all for the baby... the Bassinet! I did some research and talked to many new mothers about the role of the bassinet and decided it was something we had to have. So I found one local that was at one of my favorite shops, 'Green Shops'. If you haven't been in or heard of it, it's a great store and a wonderful thing to support! All eco-friendly products with a good story behind it. no crap that just has a "green" label for the heck of it...

This bassinet caught my attentions awhile back and I always wanted it, but
1. I realized I should have a baby or at least one on the way before I bought it
2. I couldn't justify paying over 300 bucks for a bed and
3. the baby might not even like sleeping in the darn thing!

So, like you all know, we're pregnant, so that solved #1. I did my research and realized we needed a bassinet, so I started looking all over the place, which hopefully solves #2 but we'll soon find out... and I really could not stop thinking about the beautiful bassinet I saw at 'Green shops' that was way over my budget... but I ended up meandering my way around the store talking to employees and the owner about my baby and my situation and one thing led to another and I was walking out of the store with the Bassinet I wanted at 40% off.

you ask how did I do it? it must be the pregnancy glow. who knows, but I love it and I hope baby Fergon loves it too and sleeps long and hard in it... we can only dream :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Antique shopping for the babe

Who knew I would find such treasures at an Antique store!! well... I guess that's why I shop at those lovely places, for such treasures.
I just happened to find some awesome records with Disney tunes. If you don't know this side of my family you're really missing out. We love Disney, Disneyland, Disneyworld... you put a Disney in front and we love it.
One problem I've foreseen is that all of my family Disney movies are on VHS so I guess I better start buying those awesome TV deals when they start coming out of the vault. I don't trust kid's shows and movies quite yet... but we'll see how desperate I get.

For now, we're starting with records. And at 3.00 a pop who can go wrong! I might need to go back and stock up!

Friday, September 2, 2011


For some reason during my adult life i've had a major problem exercising. Luckily I have had friends to guide me out of becoming obese... 
My college roommate Laura convinced me to join YMCA and luckily that helped with the college weight, well some of it. 
Thanks to a Culinary school friend, I joined Curves... yes I was only like 23 but trust me the amount of food I was consuming needed to go somewhere and Napa is not the cheapest place to join a gym. 
And since i've been in Bakersfield i've steered very clear of gyms and try to stick to walking my dog... but once again, thanks to my friend Jessica, before I was pregnant I was able to stay slightly committed to Spin class. 
But now it is so so so much harder to exercise. Not only is it a million degrees outside and i've had no energy for the last 3 months, but there is this little fear in the back of my mind that tells me "don't hurt the baby!" so that's all I really need to keep me on the couch. 
Until Dr. Oz convinced me to get off my lazy butt and keep in mind the health of my child!! If we spend so much time worried about nutrients, what to drink, what not to eat and the birthing pain to come... why not get our bodies in shape! So I found an amazing Prenatal Yoga DVD (at Target for 10 bucks!!!) that leads you through all three trimesters with different poses and breathing techniques to guide you through labor and leading a stress free pregnancy. 

 it's been perfect and has sparked the Yoga in me, something I feel i'll keep up even after the 9 months.