Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Antique shopping for the babe

Who knew I would find such treasures at an Antique store!! well... I guess that's why I shop at those lovely places, for such treasures.
I just happened to find some awesome records with Disney tunes. If you don't know this side of my family you're really missing out. We love Disney, Disneyland, Disneyworld... you put a Disney in front and we love it.
One problem I've foreseen is that all of my family Disney movies are on VHS so I guess I better start buying those awesome TV deals when they start coming out of the vault. I don't trust kid's shows and movies quite yet... but we'll see how desperate I get.

For now, we're starting with records. And at 3.00 a pop who can go wrong! I might need to go back and stock up!

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