Friday, September 2, 2011


For some reason during my adult life i've had a major problem exercising. Luckily I have had friends to guide me out of becoming obese... 
My college roommate Laura convinced me to join YMCA and luckily that helped with the college weight, well some of it. 
Thanks to a Culinary school friend, I joined Curves... yes I was only like 23 but trust me the amount of food I was consuming needed to go somewhere and Napa is not the cheapest place to join a gym. 
And since i've been in Bakersfield i've steered very clear of gyms and try to stick to walking my dog... but once again, thanks to my friend Jessica, before I was pregnant I was able to stay slightly committed to Spin class. 
But now it is so so so much harder to exercise. Not only is it a million degrees outside and i've had no energy for the last 3 months, but there is this little fear in the back of my mind that tells me "don't hurt the baby!" so that's all I really need to keep me on the couch. 
Until Dr. Oz convinced me to get off my lazy butt and keep in mind the health of my child!! If we spend so much time worried about nutrients, what to drink, what not to eat and the birthing pain to come... why not get our bodies in shape! So I found an amazing Prenatal Yoga DVD (at Target for 10 bucks!!!) that leads you through all three trimesters with different poses and breathing techniques to guide you through labor and leading a stress free pregnancy. 

 it's been perfect and has sparked the Yoga in me, something I feel i'll keep up even after the 9 months. 

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