Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Daily Regime

I grew up taking vitamins... so you'd think it was no biggie 20-some years later to pop some pills. well if you're ever around in the morning and you want to see something pretty comical, just watch me take my vitamins. if i only gag once it's a good morning!

When I was little I'd sit at the kitchen table with my meal-shake (no i did not misspell milk, it was nothing like a milkshake... protein and grainy and all) and my cup full of vitamins, with my mother in the car honking, waiting for us girls to finish our daily intake before school.. it was a rough life.

So now I still find myself staring at these vitamins, sometimes even waiting until dinner to take them. But I do it... all for this growing creature inside me :) pretty impressive how he/she already has me wrapped around their tiny little finger.

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