Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby Shower!

Luca's due date board! Can't wait to see who was right!!!
So many amazing designs!!
Tea Time !
An awesome group of ladies (and Ryan)

The month of December was a blur... I almost feel like I got ripped off. Well, not quite but it sure did go by way too fast.

I finally have pictures and have time to write about the fabulous shower I was given by my family and friends! I felt so blessed to receive so many gifts from the heart... almost everything was unique and I can actually say when I use these items, when Luca plays with the toys, and I read him books, i know exactly who they came from!

The shower was so awesome- we had a "tea party" thanks to my mothers amazing tea cup collection, the weather was great and everyone was able to decorate onesies beautifully! Everyone filled out an "heirloom" card that made me laugh, cry and get so excited for my son to arrive and meet all his amazing mentors :)

Thanks again to everyone who attended and shared with me this time to get ready for little Luca to arrive!

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