Saturday, October 8, 2011

Nursery Design

I'm just itching to kick Ryan out of his music room... but then I realize there won't be anything occupying this room for another 4 months and he actually makes money in this room... So the next best thing is to design it on paper. oh well, i'll be patient for a while longer.

Luckily I've picked out most items- rug, drapes, desk (for me not the baby) & crib and chair, which are on their way to my door as we speak! Bedding is making me absolutely crazy so I won't even go into that... So with just a dresser and and shelving to find, besides little cosmetic touches, the room is pretty much planned!

One of the many reasons I love pottery barn is it's very interactive website. So I've been able to create a design that fits to my room perfectly, with real dimensions and pieces and all. so much fun!
Now i just need Nate Hendricks over here to paint my walls and Ryan to move out! haha... oh and a baby.

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