Friday, October 21, 2011


Technology these days is absolutely amazing! I guess I already know this, but with so much technology in my day-to-day life I forget how much we can actually do that our parents didn't even think about... like the ultrasound.
Not only can they show you the baby growing inside you (its own phenomenom in itself) but can show you the heart, the lungs, the brain, the kidneys, everything! All I thought i would see going in was a profile with some fingers and toes.
We chose not to get the 4-d, a little bit TOO weird for me. I'd like to wait and be surprised at what my baby looks like... and plus they're kind of freaky.
3 1/2 months to go and so far our baby is healthy and having a ball :) for the last week i get woken up like clockwork in the middle of the night, with some rolling around and punching or whatever is going on in there... and don't worry, i wake ryan up every time. Just getting him used to some sleeping interruptions...

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