Tuesday, November 29, 2011

7 months

My lovely sisters, mom and Nate

This second trimester has gone by smoothly, thank God!

As we all know, the holiday's are well under way and I am so busy with normal Thanksgiving/Christmas activities, work, plus all the baby stuff and as if thats not enough my month of December is FULL of catering events... So "we" are working pretty darn hard!

For an update... Thanksgiving was wonderful- we had a "friends-giving" that turned out delicious and fun. Thanksgiving day was also great- full of good food and family.

The baby room is coming along (no pictures yet) it's still in progress... trying to get ryan to NOT use it as his junk room. I think he's drawn to it since he used that room for 3 years as his "music room".

Otherwise, we are all doing great! Planning the shower this Sunday and very excited for it! I can't wait to see so many of you that I haven't seen in too long!

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